Video Pychoanalysis (excerpt)
10:00 SD Video, Benj Gerdes, 2012
“Instant replay, split-screen images and closeups have long been known to TV sports fans. Now they are beginning to become familiar to psychiatric patients as well.” —TIME, 1973.
“During the Cambodian crisis in 1969, the school was shut now. The arts faculty, because they trusted their students and worked with them, kept the art department open against the general trend. We were kind of a media center for a lot of movement stuff. We did posters, graphic art, utilitarian stuff for the great movement. One of the problems was that there were all these instantaneous courses and it was a real problem letting people know where they were. Someone suggested the idea of setting up a string of video monitors with a camera and a roller kind of thing to announce these meetings and have them on continuously. We set this up and in the process, borrowed some cheap Sony equipment: a single camera with a 14 modulator strung to 6 RF monitors up the column where the elevator was, which went to all the lounges. I became fascinated with the image. When the meeting was really crowded we put a camera and a mike in there to cablecast. I just became fascinated with the image on the screen, I would sit by the screen and stroke it.” –Dan Sandin, inventor of the Sandin Image Processor
A quasi-historically accurate effort to use period specific tools to investigate the intersection of video therapy and art experimentation in an earlier moment + the last SD video I ever made + how else would one use the wobbulator today?